CSS禅意花园是由Dave Shea 于2003年5月创建的个人站点,他的目标就是通过CSS禅意花园这个平台,提供一个相同的网页结构,鼓励优秀的设计师用CSS去创造全新的网页样式作品。
CSS禅意花园帮助我们最终认识到CSS的强大力量。若是网页设计师正被一个布局问题所困扰,去那儿获取灵感是个不错的选择,同时你也可以利用这个平台展 示个人的天赋,以CSS会友。
What Is This Book About?
Is this book a documentation and narrative of the site? Partially. Is it a tutorial on Web design best practices and techniques? Yes, definitely. Is it a gallery of eye candy that you can refer to for inspiration when working on your own projects? No question.
What was clear to us as we wrote this book was that the Zen Garden has potential to relate so many different lessons about how modern Web design is done that a single book focused on one specialty of design, such as layout, wouldn’t begin to scratch the surface. We knew that being true to the site meant covering it all. Typography, color theory, layout techniquesthey’re all in here.
Will you learn CSS from The Zen of CSS Design? Yes, but not at a beginner’s level. To focus on the visual techniques, it was necessary to skip the intro classes and move straight to the intermediate lessons, so to speak. Some great technical books are already on the shelves that will get you started with the basics of CSS syntax and grammar. We recommend that you grab one of those to get up to speed with the technology, and then read this book alongside it to learn how to apply the techniques in visually stimulating ways.
The CSS techniques covered in this book take a broader overview and cover solving visual problems, instead of thoroughly describing every piece of the CSS specification. Where it’s appropriate, browser support levels are discussed to keep the lessons firmly grounded in reality.
《CSS Zen Garden – CSS禅意花园》内容提要
本书作者是世界著名的网站设计师,书中的范例来自网站设计领域最著名的网站-CSS Zen Garden(CSS禅意花园)。全书分为两个主要部分。第1章为第一部分,讨论网站“CSS禅意花园”及其最基本的主题,包含正确的标记结构和灵活性规划等。第二部分包括6章,占据了本书的大部分篇幅。每章剖析“CSS禅意花园”收录的6件设计作品,这些作品围绕一个主要的设计概念展开,如文字的使用等。通过探索36件设计作品面临的挑战和解决的问题,读者将洞悉主要的Web设计原则以及它们运用的CSS布局技巧,理解CSS设计的精髓,恰当地处理图形和字体来创建界面优美、性能优良且具有强大生命力的网站。