《CSS Zen Garden – CSS禅意花园》的诞生缘于2003年5月8日创办的一个网站。该网站的初衷是改变人们对Web设计的看法,但最终却出乎意料地改变了全球技术发展的趋势。该网站名为“CSS禅意花园”,是来自世界各地的众多天才协力合作的结晶。“CSS禅意花园”在发布宣言和展示作品两方面双管齐下,其创建目的在于展示基于CSS设计可实现的视觉效果。网站以样式表和图像的方式向设计师征集原创作品,但规则是所有作品都必须使用相同的HTML文件。每件作品的HTML都完全相同,无一例外。
The average Web site has a starting point, otherwise known as the home page; from there you can jump anywhere into the site by selecting a major section and browsing through the content it contains. Or you can use the search function to find the specific content you’re after. Or you can just click at random and see what sorts of goodies you can find deeper in.
This is the model we’ve chosen for the book; there is no right or wrong way to use it. You might choose to start at the beginning and read it cover to cover, or you might jump to a chapter that feels particularly relevant and use it as a starting point. You may read this book as non-linearly as you wish, and approach each design in any order you choose.
Note:可以到csszengarden.com浏览“CSS禅意花园”网站和本书中列出的所有设计作品。若想查看某段HTML标记,可使用浏览器的“查看源文件”功能,该功能通常位于“查看” 菜单中。若想查看设计中使用的CSS,首先选择该作品,然后找点击页面中的“View This Design’s CSS”链接。需要注意的是,不同作品中该链接在页面中的位置也各不相同。