但是免费的东西,有时候也就很难判断其品质的优劣,因此在这里我们花费了一些时间,为大家整理出五个免费的、SEO方面也不错的WordPress主题。只要使用了其中任何一款主题,再配合以高质量的原创内容和All in One SEO插件,搜索引擎就会很快爱上你的博客。
如果你的博客以Google AdSense为途径来盈利的话,你就不能错过这款ProSense主题。它不仅让你能轻松的在博客上设置Google AdSense,而且橙、蓝、灰等不同的配色方案,让你有更多的选择空间。这里简要的为大家介绍一下这款主题的特性:
- 主题中的单独的文件页面来设置你的广告单元,而且这些区域也可以设置为其他类型的广告,并不仅局限于Google AdSense;
- 多样化的广告展示方式选项设置;
- 广告设置简单,很多时候你只要插入Adsense发布者ID就可以了,也就是说搭建和设置一个完整甚至完美的ProSense主题博客,你可能就只需要1-2分钟;
- 懒得翻译下去了,有兴趣的朋友可以参考文后详细的英文介绍,或者下载主题回去好好研究一番。
A Guide to the Prosense Theme Features
Prosense was created with the aim of including several features which we knew most bloggers would find useful. One of these is the freedom to choose which type of ad units should be automatically displayed.
While designed to effortlessly incorporate a large amount of Adsense ads, ProSense allows you to have complete control over the amount of ads displayed and therefore is even suitable for bloggers who are not seeking to heavily monetize their blogs.
Here are some of the theme features, some of which are currently exclusive to ProSense:
Separate and Distinct Ad Blocks. The use of distinct theme files for ad codes allows for easy editing and insertion of Adsense units. These ad blocks can also be used to insert other types of advertisements as well and are not solely limited to Adsense use.
Multiple Ad Display Options. Unlike other Adsense Ready themes, ProSense allows you to choose between either banner or rectangle ads for the single post page, thus allowing you more flexibility when it comes to ad blending.
Hassle-free convenience and ease of use. You’ll only have to insert your Adsense publisher ID in the default ad units and you’re done. It should only take a minute or two to set up ProSense perfectly.
Integrated Ad placement on the homepage. Unlike most Adsense ready themes currently available, ProSense blends a 468 x 60 banner unit between the second and third post on the blog homepage.
This enables you to display relevant ads to search visitors who arrive at your homepage, as they are more likely to scroll and scan through your posts.The inclusion of a well-blended horizontal link unit near the top of the homepage also attracts navigational-style visitor clicks.
Highly Optimized Ad units on post pages. There are two types of ad blocks on both the top and bottom of the single post page. You can choose between using a 468 x 60 banner and 300 x 250 rectangle at the top of the post or a 468 x 60 banner and 336 x 280 large rectangle at the bottom of the post.
The ability to designate and match different ad units is exclusive to ProSense and is currently not available for other Adsense Ready themes.
* Pre-blended Adsense unit colors. All Adsense unit colors are tweaked to match the blog’s link and background colors. There is absolutely no need for you to spend time picking the appropriate ad colors.
Search Engine Optimized site structure. ProSense is built from good, clean code that validates well. The CSS positioning is written so that your blog content is prioritized in the source code as this may help to improve search engine crawling and ranking. Dynamic and descriptive title tags are also used for each blog page.
Compatible with WordPress 2.0+. ProSense has been tested with the latest 2.2 Getz version of WordPress and no problems were experienced.
Widget-Ready. If you’re a widget lover, you’ll be happy to know that Prosense allows you to easily install and use widgets to complement your content and advertising scheme.