Elements of SEO 是一个结构简洁,页面清爽的轻量级主题,它的代码虽然简洁,但是却很有结构性,改起来也非常的舒服。这款免费的WordPress主题看起来很简洁、专业,一些商业博客用起来可能比较容易上手。这个主题允许大家为主页、日志页、及存档页上传和设置不同的banner横幅,因此若是一个商业博客的话,大可利用这个特性将品牌理念贯穿到这个博客之中。而且这款主题的作者更新比较勤快,随着WordPress版本的不断升级,我们也可以对主题的强化和完善满怀期待。
Elements of SEO, like it says above, is a free, clean minimalistic WordPress theme. Built with search engine optimization in mind, Elements of SEO will help your blog get better rankings with little or no tweaking from you.
Immediately after installed, Elements of SEO is pre-built with all of the sidebar sections you see to the right. Elements of SEO is also widget friendly so you can opt to completely customize both sidebars.